Health Hacks for Working from Home

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For many professions, working from home is increasingly part of everyday life. These simple tips will help you maintain the boundaries between your work life and personal life and allow you to harness remote working to your advantage.

#1. Tweak your set-up: Make sure you don’t spend hours in the same position by mixing it up – sitting, standing or even squatting is good for the circulation, metabolism, and the back.
#2. Plan ahead: Buy fresh ingredients and prepare them for the week ahead. Homemade snacks that provide slow-release energy – like delicious energy balls – are a smart move.
#3. The power of downtime: Organise your working day with sufficient breaks and stick to them. With a bit more flexibility, you could schedule a quick yoga session or enjoy some sunshine.
#4. Stay social: Try not to spend your break in front of the screen. Unless, of course, you’re meeting friends for an online lunch, in which case you’ll benefit from the social interaction.
#5. Brainfood: Your brain needs sufficient nutrients to be able to fully concentrate. Brainfood not only provides important and healthy fats and carbohydrates, it also offers the brain efficient comfort food to combat stress.
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You could try the following brainfoods:

#Honey: A healthy alternative to refined sugar – honey is healthy, tasty and contains valuable ingredients such as serotonin, which keeps our mood buoyant.
#Fish: Fish contains particularly high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3. These promote communication between nerve cells, which is important for the memory and learning.
#Nuts: Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, and peanuts contain high amounts of vitamins E and B6, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids as well as antioxidants.
#Avocado: This superfood has many advantages: vitamins and healthy fats keep the nervous system functioning, the metabolism active and support cardiac function.
#Broccoli: Broccoli and vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower and spinach improve cognitive functions thanks to the vitamins they contain and their rich stores of iron and chlorophyll.

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