Flavour Revival Red Cranberry and Green Pesto Ciabatta Wreath with Baked Cheese

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Under 1 hr. Under 1 hr.
4-6 4-6
Flavour Revival Red Cranberry and Green Pesto Ciabatta Wreath with Baked Cheese
  • Bread & Cereals


Ciabatta bread mix
  • 60g green pesto
  • 60g cranberry sauce
  • A wooden box of Vacherin Mont d?Or Cheese (or other cheese like camembert to bake)
  • 1 tablespoon milk, to glaze
  • 1 tablespoon white sesame seeds
  • 1 tablespoon black sesame seeds
  • Method

  • 1
    Make the ciabatta bread mix according to pack instructions up to and including the first prove. After the first prove and the bread mix has doubled in size, divide the dough into 24 equal balls.
  • 2
    Preheat the oven to 210⁰C/ Fan 200⁰C/ Gas Mark 6.
  • 3
    Take 12 of the balls and stretch each piece of dough into approximately 5cm squares. Spoon a teaspoon of pesto into the center of each square, pull up each corner encasing the pesto and roll back into a ball shape. Repeat the process with the remaining balls but this time with the cranberry sauce.
  • 4
    Place the cheese’s wooden casing (without the cheese) in the center of the Cast Iron 30cm Shallow Casserole and place the balls alternately around the cheese box. Repeat this in rings until you have used up all the balls. Leave to prove for a further 20 minutes.
  • 5
    Brush the rolls with a little milk and sprinkle over the sesame seeds. Place in the oven and bake for 10 minutes. After the initial 10 minutes, place your cheese in the center of the wreath making sure it is tucked into its wooden casing. Bake for a further 10 minutes until the cheese is soft and oozing. Serve immediately.
  • 6
    Cook’s Notes
  • 7
    If you have guests that prefer or dislikes when it comes to pesto and/or cranberry sauce, use the sesame seeds to mark the different flavoured rolls.
  • 8
    If you want to get prepared, fully bake the bread without the cheese. Bring your cheese to room temperature 40 minutes before wanting to serve then simply pop in the bread wreath and place in the oven 170⁰C/ Fan 160⁰C/ Gas Mark 4 for 10 minutes to bake.